The Effectiveness of Using Audio Visual Aids in Improving Vocabulary Mastery in Teaching Listening at MTsN Tiku.

Tisni, Wulandari and Adzanil, Prima Septy and Lailatul, Husna (2017) The Effectiveness of Using Audio Visual Aids in Improving Vocabulary Mastery in Teaching Listening at MTsN Tiku. Diploma thesis, Universitas Bung Hatta.

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The mainobjective ofthisstudy wastofind out the effectiveness ofteaching Listening by using audio visual aids . Themethodoftheresearch isanexperimentalstudy.Thedatawere obtainedbygiving testtotheexperimentclassandcontrolclassaftergiving different learning treatment tobothclasses.Theteachergavethreetimesteachingtoboth classes. The number ofthe subjects is35 studentsineach class.They are IX Eis as experimental class (thestudents who are taught usingaudio visual aids),IXF is control class (the students who are not taught using audio visual aids). The instrumentsusedtocollect thedataweredocumentationand test.The UNIVERSITAS BUNG HATTAdocumentation was used to get the data about students’ name that become respondents, syllabus lesson plan, etc. Test was usedtoidentify students’ competence before andafter theexperiment run.There are twokinds of test.They are pre-test and post-test. After thedatawerecollected,thewriteranalyzedit.Thefirstdata wereanalyzed from thebeginningofcontrolclass and experimentclass takenfromthepre test.It isthenormality test andhomogeneity test.Itisused toknowthatthe groupsarenormaldistributionsandhavesomevariant.Anotherdata analysisis fromtheending ofcontrolclassandexperimentclass.Itisusedtoprovethetruth of hypothesis that hasplaned. Theresultoftheresearch:themeanofscore ofexperiment class (the studentstaughtusing audio visual aids)are74,23and themeanofscoreofcontrolclass(thestudentstaughtusingnon-audio visual aids)are70,4 There isa differencescoregained throughstudentstaught by usingaudio visualand thosetaughtwithout audio visual.Itisshowed bythemean of experimentclassishigher thancontrolclass(74,23>70,4).Ontheother hand, thetestofhypothesis using t-testformula showsthevalue ofthet-testis higher thanthevalue ofthet-table.The value ofttestis2,025whilethevalue oft-table on α = 5%is 1,990 (2,025> 1,990). The hypothesis is accepted. Based ontheresultthisstudy, itisexpectedtobegoodinformationfor teachersespeciallyEnglishteachersinteachingListening.In order to,it can enhance students mastery English.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Erlya Wahyuni
Date Deposited: 05 Oct 2023 03:56
Last Modified: 05 Oct 2023 03:56

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