Aryanti, Desy (2022) TYPOLOGY OF PADANG TRADITIONAL HOUSE (RANTAU MINANGKABAU) IN PAUH, PADANG. Planning Malaysia, 20 (3). pp. 14-24. ISSN 1675 - 6215

2022_Typology of Padang Traditional House (Rantau Minangkabau) In Pauh, Padang_Desy Aryanti.pdf

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The Padang is one part of the Minangkabau Region. According to Tambo Minangkabau, the border of Minangkabau consists of two parts, namely Darek and Rantau. Darek is the origin of Minangkabau which consists of three Luhak/Luhak Nan Tigo namely Luhak Nan Tuo/Tanah Datar, Luhak Nan Tangah/Agam, Luhak Nan Mudo/Luhak Limo Puluh Kota. The region is the expansion area of Minangkabau in the form of each of these Luhak colonies. This research was conducted to explore and find out the origin of the formation of traditional Padang (Rantau Minangkabau) houses, characteristics, spatial patterns, physical forms, and house ornaments. This is a descriptive study including qualitative data. The investigation's goal is to describe the state of the research object and its problems by observing and conducting interviews with homeowners as well as parties who fully understand the existence of this traditional house. As a research case study, the traditional Padang house in Pauh Subdistrict. The results of this study are the identification and typology of traditional houses of the Minangkabau Region. Keywords: typology, Rantau Minangkabau, Padang traditional house, Pauh

Item Type: Article
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan > Arsitektur
Depositing User: Desy Aryanti
Date Deposited: 23 May 2023 10:19
Last Modified: 23 May 2023 10:19
URI: http://repo.bunghatta.ac.id/id/eprint/13678

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