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RESTRUKTURISASI BANK GAGAL OLEH LPS DALAM SISTEM PERBANKAN NASIONAL. Elyana Novira, 1530112006, Program Doktoral Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Andalas, 2022, 484 Halaman. Abstrak. Kegagalan bank memerlukan penanganan atau penyelesaian yang tepat dan cepat. Gagalnya satu bank memberikan efek pada bank- bank lainnya bahkan dapat berakibat buruk pada lembaga keuangan lainnya.Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam disertasi ini adalah : (1) Tentang pengaturan dan penetapan Bank Gagal,(2) Restrukturisasi Bank gagal dalam sistem perbankan nasional, (3) Restrukturisasi Bank gagal oleh LPS.Metode yang dipergunakan adalah Penelitian Hukum Normatif dengan pendekatan Statute Approach,Historical Approach ,Conceptual Approach.dan Comparative Approach. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan: (1) Pengaturan penetapan Bank Gagal melalui mekanisme tersendiri. Bila BI menilai bank memiliki potensi kesulitan yang dapat membahayakan kelangsungan usahanya maka bank ditempatkan dalam pengawasan intensif, selanjutnya bank dapat meningkat menjadi bank dalam pengawasan khusus sesuai kriteria yang ditetapkan. Setelah lahirnya LPS, BI memberitahukan kepada LPS dan meminta LPS untuk melakukan penyelamatan atau tidak melakukan penyelamatan. Setelah lahirnya OJK maka tugas BI tersebut dilaksanakan oleh OJK, (2) Berbagai cara dilakukan agar bank memperkuat dirinya yaitu merger, konsolidasi, akuisisi, integrasi dan konversi.(3) Sebelum berlakunya UU PPKSK, LPS mempunyai tugas dan wewenang terkait resolusi Bank Gagal dengan cara menyelamatkan bank, atau melikuidasi Bank Gagal yang tidak diselamatkan. Penanganan Bank Gagal sistemik dilakukan LPS dengan mengikusertakan pemegang saham atau tanpa mengikutsertakan pemegang saham. Penyelesaian Bank Gagal tidak sistemik dengan cara melakukan penyelamatan atau tidak melakukan penyelamatan. Setelah terbentuk UU PPKSK, penanganan bank sistemik dilakukan dengan pilihan resolusi Bank Penerima,atau Bank Perantara atau PMS (sesuai UU LPS). Pada bank non sistemik juga mempunyai pilihan resolusi Bank Penerima, Bank Perantara, PMS atau Likuidasi.Agar mempunyai kepastian hukum perlu penegasan secara eksplisit saat Bank telah menjadi Bank Gagal. Bank Sistemik perlu menetapkan Rencana Resolusi sebagai langkah antisipatif. Kelembagaan restrukturisasi perlu dimaksimalkan agar efektif mencegah kegagalan bank. Penyusunan PRP perlu segera dituntaskan, LPS hendaknya mempunyai hak suara pada KSSK dan koordinasi antara LPS dengan OJK dan BI hendaknya ditetapkan dalam pedoman baku. Kata Kunci: Restrukturisasi, Bank Gagal, LPS. RESTRUCTURATION OF FAILED BANK BY IDIC IN NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM Elyana Novira, 1530112006, Doctoral Program, Faculty of Law, Andalas University,, 2021, 484 Pages Abstract Bank failure needs appropriate and fast management and resolution. The failure of a bank will affect other banks and even can have adverse consequence to other financial institutions. The problems discussed in this dissertation are related to: (1) regulation and determination of failed bank, (2) restructuration of failed bank in national banking system, (3) restructuration of failed bank by IDIC (Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation in Indonesian called Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan or LPS). The method used was Normative Legal Research with Statute Approach, Historical Approach , Conceptual Approach and Comparative Approach. The results of research are explained as follows. (1) The regulation regarding the determination of Failed Bank through a distinctive mechanism. If BI views a bank has potential difficulty that can endanger its business sustainability, the bank will be put under intensive supervision, and then the status of bank will be increased to the bank under special supervision according to the criteria specified. Following the establishment of IDIC or LPS, BI informs and asks IDIC or LPS to save or not to save the bank. Following the establishment of OJK (Indonesia Financial Service Authority), the BI’s duty is taken over by OJK. (2) Some measures have been taken to enable the bank to strengthen themselves: merger, consolidation, acquisition, integration, and conversion. (3) Before the enactment of UU PPKSK, IDIC or LPS has duty and authority related to the resolution of Failed Bank by means of saving the bank or liquidating the Bank that cannot be saved. The management of systemic Failed Bank is conducted by IDIC or LPS by involving or not involving shareholders. The resolution of non-systemic Failed Bank is conducted by means of saving or not saving it. Following the enactment of UU PPKSK, the management of systemic bank is conducted by the option of Recipient Bank, Intermediary Bank or PMS resolution (according to UU LPS). In non-systematic bank, there is also an option of Recipient Bank, Intermediary Bank, PMS or liquidation resolution. To achieve law certainty, an explicit confirmation should be made when a bank has been a Failed one. Systemic bank should stipulate Resolution Plan as an anticipatory measure. The role of restructuring institution should be maximized in order to prevent bank failure. The development of PRP should be completed immediately, LPS should have voting right in KSSK, and coordination between LPS and OJK and BI should be explained in the standard guideline. Keywords: Restructuring, Failed Bank, IDIC.
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum |
Depositing User: | iswandi ubh |
Date Deposited: | 29 May 2024 02:16 |
Last Modified: | 29 May 2024 02:16 |
URI: | http://repo.bunghatta.ac.id/id/eprint/20513 |
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