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Sefnedi (2019) The Impact of Service Quality on Banking Customer Loyalty: The Role of Satisfaction and Switching Costs as Mediator. e-Jurnal Apresiasi Ekonomi, 7 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2337 - 3997 / 2613 – 9774
Sefnedi (2018) Factors Associated with Participant’s Satisfaction for Scientific Article Writing Training. e-Jurnal Apresiasi Ekonomi, 6 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2337 - 3997 / 2613 – 9774
Sefnedi (2017) The Market Orientation and Performance Relationship: The Empirical Link in Private Universities. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 19 (1). pp. 28-37. ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online
Sefnedi (2016) Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Publik dengan Kepuasan Publik sebagai Variabel intervening: Peran Nilai Pelanggan sebagai Moderasi. e-Jurnal Apresiasi Ekonomi, 4 (3). pp. 157-164. ISSN 2337 - 3997 / 2613 – 9774
Sefnedi Corporate Credibiity Effects on Yemeni Males’ Cnsumer’s Attitude towards Advertisement and Purchase Intention (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Corporate Credibiity Effects on Yemeni Males’ Consumer’s Attitude towards Advertisement and Purchase Intention (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Cynicism on Job Performance: The Role of Motivation as Mediator (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Cynicism on Job Performance: The Role of Motivation as Mediator (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Factors Affecting Online Purchasing Intention: The Role of Attitude as Mediator (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Factors Affecting Online Purchasing Intention: The Role of Attitude as Mediator (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Factors Associated with Participant’s Satisfaction for Scientific Article Writing Training (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Factors Associated with Participant’s Satisfaction for Scientific Article Writing Training (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Impact of Service Quality on Banking Customer Loyalty: The Role of Satisfaction and Switching Costs as Mediator (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Impact of Service Quality on Banking Customer Loyalty: The Role of Satisfaction and Switching Costs as Mediator (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Impacts of Brand Trust and Brand Credibility on Indonesian Customers’ WOM Communication: The Mediating Role of Brand Commitment (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Impacts of Brand Trust and Brand Credibility on Indonesian Customers’ WOM Communication: The Mediating Role of Brand Commitment (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Kumpulan Pembimbing. UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Market Orientation and Performance Relationship: The Empirical Link in Private Universities (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Market Orientation and Performance Relationship: The Empirical Link in Private Universities (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Marketing Competency-Export Performance Relationship Evidence from Indonesia (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Marketing Competency-Export Performance Relationship: Evidence from Indonesia.(Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Mediating Effect of Patient Satisfaction on The Relationship between Service Quality, Hospital Image, Trust and Patient Loyalty: Evidence from Indonesia (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Mediating Effect of Patient Satisfaction on The Relationship between Service Quality, Hospital Image, Trust and Patient Loyalty: Evidence from Indonesia (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Publik dengan Kepuasan Publik sebagai Variabel intervening: Peran Nilai Pelanggan sebagai Moderasi (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Publik dengan Kepuasan Publik sebagai Variabel intervening: Peran Nilai Pelanggan sebagai Moderasi (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Pengaruh Kulaitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Rawat Inap terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pasien di RSUD Sungai Dareh Kabupaten Dharmasraya (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Pengaruh Kulaitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Rawat Inap terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pasien di RSUD Sungai Dareh Kabupaten Dharmasraya (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi Peran kepuasan kerja sebagai mediasi antara kepemimpinan transformasional, stres kerja dan komitmen organisasi (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Role of Muslim Tourist Satisfaction as a Mediating Factor in the Relationship Between Islamic Attributes of Destination and Service Quality on Desination Loyalty (Reviewer). UNSPECIFIED.
Sefnedi The Role of Muslim Tourist Satisfaction as a Mediating Factor in the Relationship Between Islamic Attributes of Destination and Service Quality on Desination Loyalty (Turnitin). UNSPECIFIED.