Redesain Pasar Tradisional Lubuk Basung Dengan Pendekatan Neo Vernakular Kontemporer

Rosi, Kurnia and Sudirman, Is and Ika, Mutia (2021) Redesain Pasar Tradisional Lubuk Basung Dengan Pendekatan Neo Vernakular Kontemporer. Diploma thesis, Universitas Bung Hatta.


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Pasar tradisional adalah representasi dari ekonomi rakyat. Ekonomi kelas menengah bawah. Serta tempat bergantung para pedagang skala kecil dan menengah. Pasar tradisional menjadi tumpuan harapan bagi para petani, peternak pengrajin, atau produsen lainnya selaku pemasok. Jutaan penduduk Indonesia masih memercayakan pengadaan kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka pada pasar tradisional yang identik dengan kelompok menengah ke bawah tersebut.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan Melakukan Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Keberadaan Pasar Tradisional di Lubuk Basung. Peneliti juga melihat aktivitas perekonomiannya di tengah munculnya pasar modern. Yang ditemukan oleh peneliti kondisi pasar tradisional di Lubuk Basung masih jauh dari yang diharapkan, kesan kumuh, penataan yang kurang teratur masih ditemukan di pasar tradisional Lubuk Basung.Pasar tradisional merupakan cikal bakal awal perekonomian di Indonesia. The traditional market is a representation of the people's economy. Lower middle class economy. As well as a place to depend on small and medium scale traders. Traditional markets become the foundation of hope for farmers, craftsmen breeders, or other producers as suppliers. Millions of Indonesians still rely on the procurement of their daily needs in traditional markets which are identical to the lower middle class. This study aims to determine the role of Legal Protection Against the Existence of Traditional Markets in Lubuk Basung. Researchers also see economic activity in the midst of the emergence of modern markets. What researchers found that the condition of the traditional market in Lubuk Basung was still far from what was expected, the impression of slums, irregular arrangements were still found in the traditional market of Lubuk Basung. The traditional market was the forerunner of the early economy in Indonesia.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan > Arsitektur
Depositing User: Arsitektur FTSP
Date Deposited: 01 Sep 2021 03:20
Last Modified: 02 Sep 2021 08:49

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